It was a dark and stormy night…

…as I walked home from work last night. Often walking in the rain can be unpleasant but sauntering along a quiet country road in a big, thick, free coat listening to a combination of Jack Johnson, my cousin, Ben Folds and Gomez using my phone, I felt wonderful. Ahead of me, Winchester caused the sky to glow and the rain on my hood was somehow comforting.

I don’t walk to work often but sometimes it is a great time to reflect on the week. I haven’t achieved everything I wanted to do this week, for example I haven’t updated this website but on balance I am satisfied; at work I’ve made good progress (and really enjoyed it) and last weekend I visited old friends in Durham. While in Durham, we decided we’d go and watch football in a pub and we each put a bet on at the bookmakers before hand. I bet on an accumulator – Wigan, Reading, Newcastle and Wolves all had to win. Despite the better than 18-1 odds I was given (I bet £5) all the teams won, sometimes life just works that way.

P.S. quite a few people at work are writing a big collaborative blog which I’ve just posted to talking about Linux.