Archive for January, 2005

Getting Settled

I just tried to post a comment on the Inside Firefox weblog and it won’t let me. I don’t think I’ve tried to say anything too stupid there before so it must be taking issue with the fact that I was suggesting using Eclipse (with the C++ extension) as a C++ IDE. It can be a bit slow on older hardware but not as bad as you might expect seeing as it is Java-based. Presumably it is even faster if you compile it with gcj as clever people have demonstrated recently. It does still use the gdb debugger as the back-end but the interface is pretty and it integrates nicely with CVS.

Things are going really well at work, I’m really enjoying it. I’m working on an internal IBM project that has a web-based interface as a front-end, so I’m playing with both C and Javascript. At home I now have broadband at the flat and I’m busy catching up with emails and bills and things but will soon start to put some serious effort into B:V. I must also spend some time away from a computer though, I’m almost in front of one 24/7 at the moment

R&R Required

The last ten days have been very busy, aside from continuing to settle into a new job, I have driven an average of 160 miles a day, taking in London, Wales and Durham.

Starting a new job is always going to be stressful, it’s tough not only because I don’t know what I’m doing but also because there’s a lot of uncertainty about what I’m supposed to be doing. I’ll be glad when my role has been clearly defined. On a more positive note, everyone seems really pleasant and I’ve got the self-belief to think that I’ll be successful in whatever my capacity is eventually decided to be here.

Despite only recently starting the job, I’ve already taken time off, visiting relatives in Wales last weekend and visiting Durham this weekend (and handing in the final copies of my thesis). Both trips were good, seeing people that I haven’t seen for ages. It’s really important to me that I don’t lose contact with many of these people, hopefully some of them will come and visit the new flat in Winchester once we are properly set up there.

The travelling has been very tiring though; It’s been a long time since I owned a car. Doing so many miles when driving is no longer something I can do without thinking about has taken it out of me. Next weekend I’m supposed to be moving into the flat but I definately intend to lie in and take it easy, R&R is definately order of the day.

Update: Em has written a much fuller account of our travels in Wales and Durham