Nearly there
A couple of weeks ago things were a little taut around here and I was a little frayed at the edges. For a few days there were lots of minor problems and tasks were everywhere; it was all a little daunting. Em is still very sleepy and is coping with a full time job involving shift work, morning sickness and wedding prep but my eyes were starting to glaze over at the thought of everything we had to do.
We’d just moved house and I had spent quite a long time cleaning the old house so I hadn’t done much unpacking at the new one. We also hadn’t sent out any wedding invitations and the big day is in early July. Within the space of a few days, our toilet and shower became blocked, I lost my keys, my car broke down in a moderately expensive manner, our digi-box started to pine for the fjords and this web site was hacked into. Each thing separately was fairly minor but it all added up to more stress than usual.
Today we handed in a final table plan and paid the remaining amount for the wedding and things are definitely settling down. We’re mostly unpacked here so I actually wasted some time playing OpenArena and Widelands. Normally after a spell where I play computer games I go through self-recriminations about the wasted time but this time I’m thankful that I had the time to waste. Things are certainly on the up
Of course, not everything is perfect. The block of flats we live in caught fire this morning but it doesn’t appear to be very major so that’s okay.
During my relaxing I also watched/listened to a lot of Jonathan Coulton stuff. The re: Your brains song in particular I can listen to again and again.
of course that means I have to listen to it to…..